Our Goals
HD Scanner
Small Printer
Rain Gauge
Light Meter
Display of photos and videos to have a collective vision, which attracts the attention and focus of learners and facilitates the educational use of these documents and also facilitates the writing of assessment texts in French by learners.
Scan color photos from textbooks for use as digital documents
Print some lesson documents (in case of urgent situations) and also continuous assessment test copies
Learners must use a thermometer during a study trip/outing to measure air temperature as a climatic factor (Ecology lesson)
Learners should use a Rain Gauge to measure
Precipitation as a climatic factor
(Ecology lesson)
Learners must use a hygrometer during an outing to measure the relative humidity of the air as a climatic factor
Learners should use an altimeter on an ecology study trip to measure altitude as an ecological factor
Learners should use a barometer on an ecology study trip to measure atmospheric pressure
Learners must use a light meter during an ecology study trip to measure light intensity as a climatic factor and also during the photosynthesis lesson
Learners should use an anemometer on an ecology study trip to measure wind speed.